Monday, December 31, 2012

End of 2012

啊啊啊。。。。我要二十岁啦 >.< 我不要。。。。


庆祝生日,唱k,怡保游,火锅,Lost World,Choir 表演,椰壳洞,吹泡泡,loklok,bbq,PCK,住在雪薇和韵真家。。。一切一切,虽然好像没什么值得,但是我却觉得这是个美好的回忆。。。

这些美好的日子,我都会永记在心 <3

Friday, October 19, 2012

Best Memory Ever with choir member

Today v  perform our songs in front of 3000++ audiences and the feeling is great.. =)
Best experience ever in my UNI LIFE...hope to join with them for the next and following performance..BUT due to my bad voice n slow learning,i think i cant ! =(
I still remembered i spent my time wisely during the previous nite with them...every nite sing n i might feel lonely as aimless at every nite,dunno wat to do...

Will always remember today...Puji n We can see the UTAR light shining down....


                                              Around 3000+ ppl thr :


All choir members...Cant spot me here =( but im did inside...LOL

Thursday, August 23, 2012


生老病死是人人都必须经过的阶段,但是当一个人真真离开了我们,又有多少个人能接受得了呢?今年,短短的几个月,不出半年,已有3 位亲戚离开了我们。。。
人生无常阿。。。愿你们在天国的另一方能安详投胎...RIP。。。will miss u all

Friday, July 27, 2012


Although now im now ady in degree sem 2,but yet im still wondering did i choose the wrong course...WHY?
Every one of them will get A for their major subject of the course,but i cant =( sigh...
The worst thing is i feel difficult on tat subject n i unable to mange it well....y account is tat difficult???
Why my fren can score it well but i cant ? I had put lots of efforts towards it,but y...before tat i tell myself maybe tat i had no basic,but now i can confirm tat its bullshit.NO BASIC IS NOT AN EXCUSE!

Final is around the corner,im so worry about my account now.For this sem subject (FAFII , MA , QTII, EFM, MORAL ,SUNZI) the subject tat i worry the most is faf...Hopefully practice really works to me n get me good result.

I shall fighting for tis 5 subjects soon. XD

Saturday, July 21, 2012

HUHU ^.^

Finally finish all midterms for this sem...BUT all midterm for this sem is just like cacat...hope i can do well in FINAL.

Few days ago,i learnt 1 latin sentence from my lecturer ----> amor Vincit Omnia - 爱可战胜一切
Its chim but yet it is a good sentence...I LIke IT ^.^

Saturday, May 19, 2012

步步惊心 ^^

Is a super touching drama tat i watched in 2012.I took almost 5 days to finish tis drama,..CRY lots -.-
Is super touching...will never forgot about tis movie.
 Nice to watch!!!

Boring -.-

IS a boring sem break for me....grrrrhhh

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Finally all midterm and assignment DONE ! Now only wait for final...gambateh to all my frens ~
  FAF,, Business Law ,QT ,English For Business ,MI ...i wanna kill all of u!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

First time


Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day everyone :D

Ipoh Day with buddies

Yesterday went Ipoh with fren
The day b4 yesterday i thought for the whole day whether to or not to inform my parents tat i wert to ipoh.At last i did a last decision to tell them.Although will make them unhappy but yet it was a happy day for me n my buddies.
Went to Ipoh Parade ,Perak Tong n Gunung Lang which brought by my parents ^.^
                                Have an unforgettable Day with them..

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hey World....IS 2012 now~~~

Now is already 2012...New Year New Life n This year i have to upgrade myself ^^
Forget everything tat were not happy in the past n remember those memories with my buddy...
This Year is the start of my degree life.
Although v r from different course but im sure our distance n relationship wont be changed..

                      Love u all n have the best memories with u all =)