Friday, July 27, 2012


Although now im now ady in degree sem 2,but yet im still wondering did i choose the wrong course...WHY?
Every one of them will get A for their major subject of the course,but i cant =( sigh...
The worst thing is i feel difficult on tat subject n i unable to mange it well....y account is tat difficult???
Why my fren can score it well but i cant ? I had put lots of efforts towards it,but y...before tat i tell myself maybe tat i had no basic,but now i can confirm tat its bullshit.NO BASIC IS NOT AN EXCUSE!

Final is around the corner,im so worry about my account now.For this sem subject (FAFII , MA , QTII, EFM, MORAL ,SUNZI) the subject tat i worry the most is faf...Hopefully practice really works to me n get me good result.

I shall fighting for tis 5 subjects soon. XD

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